Where the inspiration come from
Some how these people really had the impact on my life, either by knowledge or inspiration yet I may had differenty views with them. I liked them because they are the people of change. i read , seen and sometimes thought I know them personally. It is just because how much I followed their news and found out about their plans. Some of them national heroes and some of them are handling the sward of media. Also among these brave men who had strong decisions which turned over a vast number of people lives.
Sure I have other inspiration like my English teacher during secondry school (Mr. Suliman Akef)'' Allah Yarhmah'' My grandfather had effect on me as well. I was also so lucky of having a father and a mother of strong personalities. The list is so long and cant put all pictures or mention them. As sunni muslem I find myself not to forget at all and before all the great men and woman i mentioned our Profet Mohammed (صلى الله عليه و سلم ).
there somthing missing in your blog??
كل شخص فينا ليه قدوة والكثير من الاشخاص اللي اثرو فيه تاثير ايجابي وتعلم منهم اشياء كثيرة عن نفسي من النماذج اللي ليها اثر مميز جدي الله يرحمه والدي الله يرحمه جدتي وامي ربي يطول ف عمرهم
وحضرتك ايضا من الناس اللي ليهم علامة ف التدوين وطابع مميز
دمت بكل خير
Nasim ,,
What is missing?
When i read what you wrote, i asked myself if one of them or anther one as famous people impact on myself or added something to me ???. i think NO because there are a lot of things between us and them and we don't know them how they thinking, talking and how many knowledage they have , we just see them in TV or hear their voices in radio. as you said we like their strong personality and how take decision or how say things people like it as poems.
i agree with you they are the people of change and there are some people thought they learnt with them.
but if i say who had effect on me as well my grandfathers , uncle ,parents and my poss...
and the first one as you said our Prophet Mohamed and i ask Allah to help us to follow his Sinea,
In shallah
really thanks i like this post Sir
there are lots of ppl who have had a great impact on our life ...and change us in a way or another ....whether that change was for good or not....those leaders....have of course made a difference directly or indirectly upon our life.
Nasim ,
Thank you for the lovely comment. sure was happy with it. I could not enclude all the people I know.
Thanx ofr passing by.
Ok, Yes , I personally do not know that much about Zahi Wahba's personal life, But I know the man through his books and poems. I know Ghandi throgh his marvelouse story and I know Khadija ben Gana through her conflict with the society when she weared the Hejab. These things I stand at them alot nd try to understand more about them.
Again thank you ,, I ll visit your blog now.
My Friend MEME.
Like always, detailed comments and very good feedbacks,,,,was happy of your being here.
hiiiii Doc,,,
good 2 know who impact on ur life.. cos I guess that would tell us wat kind of person u r... may be ^_~
4 me..I am that kinda person whoz touched by my close ppl..
smart post Doc...
keep up the good work..
OK we agree, we don't know them as well and try to understand them and their thoughts too. we talk about who are people of change as you said and they did things changed a lot of things next them. and we are adults and can know differences between good and bad things they wrote , said and did.
But the worst thing when guys see some famous people as the are the best and try to do as they do, wear ,say... without realize if it's good or bad for them and followed their news and love them to much how and why i don't know ???
Here i don't talk about famous people how have knowledge...etc
How are you dear, long time tho.
Thanx for visitin my blogg.
again i thank you for being interested.
I think you are mixing up between being inspired by some one and bieng a fan or obsessed by someone.
I got your point.
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