Thursday, October 22, 2009


Hello Everybody, How is it going with you,, ? Your families are ok? Thats good.

To be ohnest could not think about any subject to talk about. When I log in here, the first thing I do, as usual is to see any new comments which tend to be not that many anyway. Ok ,, then I hurry up to either Meme's or Nasim's profiles to see the updates , and also I dont forget about May's as well. Many other friends profiles as well.

I comment on some other profiles too, from other countries. Mostly political views , but they are real headache, because I always endup having sick debates with contovercialists. I do not want it to be looking boring in here and thats why i talked about my personal life for first time and felt ok about it. I think I am encouraged enough now to talk more about it and share some parts of it. but I cant put my pictures because then it will become Facebook. heheh

Ok , thats it, See you in the next Post.

Take care a3lay yourself.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Goodbye, September

Hi everybody,

I could not leave this month just go without me posting something. September was special to me , many things happened, some was nice and other was not,
First thing , The nation had to fast because of Ramada, and Alhamdulilah we succeeded in doing so. During Ramadan, the Army celebrated the 40th anniversary and we all saw the show and the panic in the streets.

Then we got the Eid of 3 days, was nice occasion but for my mother was not, she remembered her father (Jedy) who died last year, so she was sad and if you can see the sadness in your mothers eyes, you mention the consquences.............. I also remembered some loved ones and had to be shwiya sad as well. This is life. No Objection to الله orders. الله never forgets any of the worshippers , My father was on a wheel chair for almost one year, he had an accedent last year and his right tibia got badly broken also he had a fabula fracture on the other leg. Had an operation and platinum was on the way. BUT, no matter how hard we tried to help him walking again he never believed he could, he refused all the physotherapy, and decided to stay home. he had this walking phopia of falling. But some how on 24th of September,, he walked,, believe me he did, and that was a very turning and happy moment for everybody. Thanks الله.

On 23rd of september I turned 27 years old and was my birthday, I normally do not celebrate or even remember my birthdays but I remembered this time and sisters surprised me with presents. I received new job offers but decided to turn all of them down since I found out that they are all not comparable with the one I have now. Also I got promoted for a new position.

Finally, I received a very special letter from an old friend from my UK times whom I lost contact with since 2005. was telling his news and what is going on with him, I was really happy of it. On the other hand, there is a friend crossed the atlantic without giving us a good bye , which made me down a bit. but its ok , They have their reasons , may be they just wana surprise me as they always do.

This was September and you can see how special it was, so let me say , Goodbye September, and I'll take this chance too, to stop posting for a while because I descovered how much I lack blogging experience and actually buzy as well. but I ll still comment here and there, dun worry.

Ali .

Friday, September 18, 2009

عيدكم مبارك

كل العام و الجميع بخير. و معايدة خاصة الى هؤلاء الذين اعرفهم من خلال كتاباتهم و تدوينهم الجميل, من خلال مواقفهم و افكارهم النبيلة و أفعالهم الحسنة و مزاحهم و خفة دمهم. نعم اعرفهم و قد بت وكاننى اراهم كل يوم. اسأل الله ان يوفقكم و يجعلكم ذخر لهذا الوطن.


Saturday, September 12, 2009

Career Change

It is really confusing when you get job offers at the same time. I cant make up my mind. I think it was my fault when I have sent my CV to many companies and organisations. Yes I have high profile with the company I work with at the moment and I have no problems at all, besides a leading postion with professional staff. But I have this thing calling me for a career move and change. Its like you do not want to be in the same place for long time and feel stand still. I always think that there is a better opportunity somewhere other than where I am although I have this fear and nervousness about leaving my current job. Because I got used where I am, I like my coleagues and members of staff. You know guys, I do not like to feel guilty after I leave. so I really cant think about it right. Emerson Process, UN commision team or NOC.?

Ehh, its killing

Saturday, September 5, 2009

السب و الشتم

ليس بقرار صائب ان تتجول فى الأسواق عندما تكون مكتضة, ليس لصعوبة المشى فقط بل لما يمطره هؤلاء الغير محترمين من الفاظ نابيه على اودانك تبى ولا ما تبيش. كنت ماشى انا و صديق داخل احد الأسواق, و كنت نتململ من المشى لأن مستعجل اشوى, عموما, جت المشيه و راء عمتى لعزوزة و معاها بنتين اصغار فى السن , كانو يتبضعو او جوهم فوق الريح, واذا به احد هؤلاء اللى ما يتسموش, قال كلمة لصاحبة اكبر من عرش فرعون, جو بين اعيونى العيلة المسكينة هدى اللى اتحشمو هلبة من امهم لكبيرة لأنهم كلهم سمعو نفس الكلمة, صاحبنا هدا نال من نظرات الأحتقار نصيب, بس ما اعتقدش ان حيتعلم , الله غالب هذه الفاظ السوق للأسف. عموما كان موقف بايخ جدا و ما نتمناشى لأى اخت او اى عيلة. انا متأكد انه كل واحد فيكم اتعرض لنفس الموقف لأن الشكالات هذى منهم هلبة.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Happy Ramadan

Hope things get better for everybody. Its just so good to have friends like you.


Friday, August 7, 2009

امتلأت بكل اسباب الرحيل

وكأن شيئاً لم يكن

وكأن شيئاً لم يكن

...جرح طفيف في ذراع الحاضر العبثي ..

والتاريخ يسخر من ضحاياه

ومن أبطاله

....يلقي عليهم نظرة ويمر

هذا البحر لي

هذا الهواء الرطب لي

واسمي - وإن أخطأت لفظ اسمي على التابوت - لي

أما أنا - وقد امتلأت بكل اسباب الرحيل - فلست لي

Monday, August 3, 2009

been blocked

Cant believe that I was blocked. why?

Sunday, July 26, 2009

I got Issues

I feel like im going out of
My mind,

oy the way you do me is a
Damn crime,

But then you smile at me
And its allright,

With you there ain't no inbetween...

Everytime that i walk out the door
I tell myself i can't take it no more

Theres a part of me won't let you go
I keep sayin' yes when my minds sayin no.

Me and my heart we got issues
Don't know if i should hate you or miss you
Damn i wish that i could resist you
Can't decide if i should slap you or kiss you,
Me and my heart we got issues,issues,issues
We got issues issues issues.

Its awful, boy you leave me hangin for so long
You empty out my love until its all gone
You change the words but still its the same song
Im tired of the melody

Change my number and throw out your clothes
But my feelings for you, they still show
I keep building the walls round my heart
But then i see you it all falls apart...

ooh, this great song reminds me of all ma pains, but who cares now. Anyways,, its really lovely and great song, It is a bit old now but cant stop listening to it.

Artist: The Saturdays
Song: Issues
Album: Chasing Lights

Is it ok to live in your pain for awhile?

Yalla, Domtom B5ear.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Make The Promise

I am away for some time , sure in the middle of no where ,, thanks to Almadar Network bacause they are covering where I am now and kept me connected. I received that pic saying (come home safe) from my family as an MMS and decided to blog it. was happy with it , A 30-day mission in the Valley of PL7- Area Con -32 , South East of Sirt and North East of Zella Town. I ll post some pics some time later.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

H1N1 Arrived , First case,

Well , the case was transited from Dubai coming from Thailand, he is worker detected with the illness and been hospitalised, I think he is ok now.

Well, According to Dr, Ikrease, "There is no way to barrier Libya from this deases and It is uncontrollable from its getting in after been discovered in Tunisia and Egypt," I think the biggest problem if we get a break through in the Sahara countries in the southren of Libya, where the boarders are not controlled and people tend to travle using all tricks that our guard forces cant think about. Yes we have the vaccine but we may suffer a logistic service if the out break happenes in one of our far away cities and sahara villiges. The Crises Control Department should open their eyes fully these days otherwise we have the unexpected.

Allah keeps our loved Libya, so lets hope that we will be always saved.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

I need a pacemaker

Helloo Everybody,

I have one very good advise for you . Do Not Ever Go to Elkhadra Hospital for treatment. Just dun think or ever have it in your mind that because you are paying money then you will be recieving a very good services. You will be completely wrong. I can admit that they have profisional nurses although they still can not clean patient;s asses. This the only problem of the libyan Nurse,, where all expats, they can do that easily. Now,, I would tell you more about the rude staff they have. They have experienced specialists,, but they are always rude, they think they are climbingh the skies.. I am tell this of of someones experice that I have witnessed. Like in the Ortho in the fourth floor , feel free to meet some dafts encluding Mohammed Rashid himslef(former Health Minister) how on earth he was,, I damn do not know. he is arogant and will never dream of having the gentelness of great Doctors. I have seen him how he shouts at nurses and at patients , watchers, semi skilled doctors,, and carry on. Hey one more thing about a female doctor with 7 years experience ( she does not know what is Coronary Angiography mean ,, Big Shame. Dr Abdulkaffi from the medical centre was really trying hard enough to understand what one of the Doctors in Elkhadra trying to say over the fone,, he even does not have the communications skills required for a doctor to carry out his job.

May be I need to shoot myself at the head.. Who the hell permitted them to privatise the hospital and people would pay money for a hospital is not better than the others anyway. it is inconvenient. But this gang over the head of the hospital can only be described as vampires.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Where the inspiration come from

Some how these people really had the impact on my life, either by knowledge or inspiration yet I may had differenty views with them. I liked them because they are the people of change. i read , seen and sometimes thought I know them personally. It is just because how much I followed their news and found out about their plans. Some of them national heroes and some of them are handling the sward of media. Also among these brave men who had strong decisions which turned over a vast number of people lives.

Sure I have other inspiration like my English teacher during secondry school (Mr. Suliman Akef)'' Allah Yarhmah'' My grandfather had effect on me as well. I was also so lucky of having a father and a mother of strong personalities. The list is so long and cant put all pictures or mention them. As sunni muslem I find myself not to forget at all and before all the great men and woman i mentioned our Profet Mohammed (صلى الله عليه و سلم ).


Sunday, March 29, 2009

The 27th Spring

Well, there is no ocasion, except I am happy with the beutifull weather theses days. It has been always my habit to give flowers to my related people, coleagues, relatives, friends. friendssssssssssss????? ,, aww ,, what about those on BLOGGER DOM COM. ? How silly you are X,, you can not reach them!!!!!!!!!! fool you man !!!!!!.
Easy man , easy ,, Post some Fllower Pics for those you like and care.

SO,, I will be more than happy if you accept my online gift my fellow Libyan bloggers. Hope you enjoying very good spring

Saturday, March 7, 2009

I'm not supposed to love you............

“I'm not supposed to love you,

I'm not supposed to care, I'm not supposed to live my life wishing you were there. I'm not supposed to wonder where you are or what you do...

I'm sorry I can't help myself, I'm in love with you.”

Could you just possibly understand it.??

Thursday, February 5, 2009

لما كل هده البلبلة --الحجاب مرة اخرى

و انا أتجول باحد مراكز المدينة لفت انتباهى بعض الفتيات اللواتي يمارسن تحديهن لإجراءات فرض الحجاب من قبل اهاليهن بترك خصله من الشعر خارج غطاء الرأس او سحب الغطاء للخلف بضعه سنتيمترات . سألت نفسي لماذا؟هل المقصود هو منع المرأة من اظهار شعرها أم منع الرجال من مشاهدة هذا الشعر؟ولعل السوال الاهم لماذا شعر المرأة بالذات؟فاذا كانت المسأله تتعلق بتحريض الغرائز فتفاصيل وجه المرأة اكثر اغراء .. ثم ان هناك نساء يظهرن بشكل افضل بغطاء الراس . و هل ان هدا القول صحيح؟ ان الحجاب فى ليبيا تحول الى عرف بتعارف الناس عليه؟ هل صحيح ان نسبة كبيرة من محجبات ليبيا محجبات فقط لأرضاء الوالد او الأخ او حتى البوى فريند؟ و لم يعامل كأنه فرض المولى عز و جل.

عموما هناك إسقاطات شديدة الغرابة فى هدا الموضوع و لم أثره إلا عندما كثرت البلبلة حوله ,, أنا ألأن لا أثير الموضوع من زاوية دينية ,, لأننى اعرف تمام المعرفة ما رأى الدين فى الموضوع كله , و لكن استغرب هده ألازدواجية من بنات عمومتي فى التعامل مع قطعة القماش هده. التى حيرت مجتمعات كثيرة , وصلت لطرد طالبات من الجامعات التركية و نقاشات حادة داخل البرلمان التركى و كلنا نعرف ما حدث فى فرنسا .فأين نحن من هدا كله؟

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

أحب التغيير

مت البارحة … و سأموت لاحقاً

رحم الله أمرىء عرف قدر نفسه

و قد رحمت بعد أن علمت بأنني سوف أموت مرة أخرى

هذه حقيقة كم وددت الهروب منها

لكنها تعيشني و لا أعلم كيف هو الرحيل منها

فكرت في نفسي كثيراًو تمنيت لو أنني أصل إلى نتيجة

و أخرج دائما بغير فائدة من التفكير

سألت نفسي هل تغيرت ؟؟؟الاجابة كانت ………


فأنا طيب

مثلما كنت واقف في مكاني

ملثما كنت أفكر في الماضي

مثلما كنت أذكر المستقبل

مثلما كنت أفقد يومي
أضعت الكثير ممن أحب
مثلما كنت شخص يحب التغيير كثيراً
ماذا أفعل فهذا هو أنا
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