Hi everybody,
I could not leave this month just go without me posting something. September was special to me , many things happened, some was nice and other was not,
First thing , The nation had to fast because of Ramada, and Alhamdulilah we succeeded in doing so. During Ramadan, the Army celebrated the 40th anniversary and we all saw the show and the panic in the streets.
Then we got the Eid of 3 days, was nice occasion but for my mother was not, she remembered her father (Jedy) who died last year, so she was sad and if you can see the sadness in your mothers eyes, you mention the consquences.............. I also remembered some loved ones and had to be shwiya sad as well. This is life. No Objection to الله orders. الله never forgets any of the worshippers , My father was on a wheel chair for almost one year, he had an accedent last year and his right tibia got badly broken also he had a fabula fracture on the other leg. Had an operation and platinum was on the way. BUT, no matter how hard we tried to help him walking again he never believed he could, he refused all the physotherapy, and decided to stay home. he had this walking phopia of falling. But some how on 24th of September,, he walked,, believe me he did, and that was a very turning and happy moment for everybody. Thanks الله.
On 23rd of september I turned 27 years old and was my birthday, I normally do not celebrate or even remember my birthdays but I remembered this time and sisters surprised me with presents. I received new job offers but decided to turn all of them down since I found out that they are all not comparable with the one I have now. Also I got promoted for a new position.
Finally, I received a very special letter from an old friend from my UK times whom I lost contact with since 2005. was telling his news and what is going on with him, I was really happy of it. On the other hand, there is a friend crossed the atlantic without giving us a good bye , which made me down a bit. but its ok , They have their reasons , may be they just wana surprise me as they always do.
This was September and you can see how special it was, so let me say , Goodbye September, and I'll take this chance too, to stop posting for a while because I descovered how much I lack blogging experience and actually buzy as well. but I ll still comment here and there, dun worry.
Ali .