Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Where the inspiration come from

Some how these people really had the impact on my life, either by knowledge or inspiration yet I may had differenty views with them. I liked them because they are the people of change. i read , seen and sometimes thought I know them personally. It is just because how much I followed their news and found out about their plans. Some of them national heroes and some of them are handling the sward of media. Also among these brave men who had strong decisions which turned over a vast number of people lives.

Sure I have other inspiration like my English teacher during secondry school (Mr. Suliman Akef)'' Allah Yarhmah'' My grandfather had effect on me as well. I was also so lucky of having a father and a mother of strong personalities. The list is so long and cant put all pictures or mention them. As sunni muslem I find myself not to forget at all and before all the great men and woman i mentioned our Profet Mohammed (صلى الله عليه و سلم ).


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