I am soo hooked that I cant do anything these days without thinking about these creatures. They are consuming me and taking lots of my time. It is the new erra of the technology gadgets and could not resist not to be hooked on them. These creatures are horrible,, they are man made. Man kind created them and they tend to minipulate our entire lives. I do not know If I should hate them or like them. I will let you know about every creature and why I think it is horrible.
Blogger............ Connecting with real people , communicate widely in all aspects of life and sometimes have stories with them, Many people are trendy and have strong impact on you. But it is still got some unacceptable people with unacceptable idology and mentality.Bear in mind you will never see them or get in touch . (Ghosts) might not be real, Fake,, hope not , coz I ll get good shock then.
Facebook................ This came as a pile on the agony. Who said a continuose contact with people you know is always good. It really has a big disadvantage. Having an account on facebook was the worst mistake I have ever made. It is like Hotel California,, when you get in you will never leave. OMG.
Linkedin.................. Oh no,, all the business contacts are there,, it is either you want something or you are requested to offer something,, Very wide contacts list reaching up to +500 business people, from Oil and Gas Industry to Big technology brands, Government bodies including the education and health ministries.. ahh,,, I should not forget about The diplomatic silks otherwise friends in the British Council will be mad at me.
What about you People who I only know (Digitally) ,, how you coping?
You know what ,, In the middle of saying all that ,, I think of having a day with out using technology,No Laptop, No internet, no mobile phones, No touch pads, No TV, No radio, No Mp3 player, No GPS, No Blogger, No Facebook , no Linkedin , No Twitter , NOOO , Nooooooo nothing,,,
Just get some peace of mind in a place near Z where my grands are burried.