Thursday, February 11, 2010

Stressed alot

Everytime I say I had enough and wont continue working like the way I am now, I then realise that what I said was completely untrue. I even work harder. But anyway , Time has come now to have a rest and sing to the moon. I will submit my resignation soon ,, why ?ok ,,

I wanted to conduct some research about my area of study which is of course Petroleum Engineering. The company I work for did not like the idea of me conducting this reasearch now for one single reason(they have shoratge of man power and they cant release me off) wawww , Its all stopping if I leave,, this is un true. So, as they are not realeasing me on Leave without pay scheme. I will leave and submit the ready letter very soon. I ve been looking forward to go and attend this course and will not make anything stop me.

Have you ever came across things like these where you dont know what to do and suddenly something deep inside guide you the better choice? Ok that is what happened to me when I had to select between my Career and my Education.

By the way ,, I know it is the first time for some of you who knows what is my job,, and it is not and will not be medical, lol.

See you next blogg which will be next week.


مـــــنى و هنـــد said...

goodluck brother,,,yes the study much more important ,,,do ur best.

elekomm - إليكــم said...

السلام عليكم

أخي الكريم
( Doc-X )

مشكلة المؤسسات لدينا بمختلف فروعها هي عدم توفير خطط للبحوث العلمية والتطوير ، وبالتالي قد تجد الموظف في الاغلب كما هو منذ ان يبدأ إلى التقاعد أو الاستقالة

بالفعل كنت أظنك طبيب من خلال الاسم (دكتور أكس )ولكن لقب الدكتور ليس حكراً على الاطباء

موفق دكتور

زنوبيا الشهــيبي said...

Hello friend Got used 2 call u: D.X
I hope u r well
I would like 2 assure u
Continue N ur decisions
& AlLAH help u all the time

See u Brother ؛

A. Alkasah said...

Mona ,

Hi there ,, hope you doing Ok..

Thanks for your comment.

A. Alkasah said...


Thanks for the advice,, well you got to excuse me,, But never said I am medic, But most of my friends are and this name I have special story with it , It is kinda interesting . I willpost it one day . heheh

keep up the nice work.

A. Alkasah said...


Lol ,, you still got to call me Doc-X coz I have no other name here,, heheh ,, how is things and how you coping these days?

Thanks sis for da3awatekk ,, ya rab yesalmek

You are soo kind

مـــــنى و هنـــد said...

salam ,,,am fine brother,,,or as we knew u Dr study hard in shaa Allah you will be the greatest Dr.

A. Alkasah said...

Mona & Hind

Thank you sis your so kind and sweet.

Meme said...

There are some things in life we all agree.. on which you simply cannot put a price tag.. knowledge surely qualifies as one of those things..
some level of success is possible when you start with little but no one can deny the fact that you will achive a huge success financially or even personally if you are highly educated and have much more knowledge.
so i totally support your decision because in my opinion successful people are such great learners and even with their success level they still continue to learn and inspire other people.
good luck

A. Alkasah said...


Thank you for your kinds comments and being supportive.


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